Our film is a British based film that would probably not be produced or funded by a big Studio but a independent British company. With this in mind we have researched different production companies and the possibilities of them funding our movie.
2 Entertain , BBC films, UK film council, Blueprint pictures,

These our a few of the well known British production companies, the one that most appeals to us is the UK FILM COUNCIL. They show a range of opportunities for all films -
"We fund script development, film production, short films, film export and distribution, cinemas, film education, culture and archives, festivals and audience support schemes."
It's aims are also -
"We're here to make sure that the UK has a dynamic film industry fit for the digital age and to help UK audiences enjoy the best of British and world cinema. We have a clear strategy to make this happen."
This is good as our film is showing the lifestyle of typical British teens and justify the aim that we would want a British company to fund us. They specialize in different and separate areas of funding such as Socialist films and realist films. Although these companies are very well known, we could go for a more low key and independent production. films such as Kidulthood and adulthood were sponsored by a new productions company CIPHER PRODUCTIONS. Even Green Street being a part American production had its main funding from Baker Street.

Overall the funding would ahve to be a british film companie that wouls specialise in our film and understand its motives.