Classification criteria

Who would be the audience for your media product? Look at the BBFC website. Which classification criteria do you think would be most appropriate for your film and why?
we think after producing our opening sequence, we have thought about what would happen throughout the film. after consideration we have decided to rate it as a 15 because it will have strong language and refrence to drug taking, it would also include sexual activity, and some violence which may be strong but doesn't dwell on the infliction of pain or injury.
But because we have rated it as a 15, it reduces our target audience from anyone below 15. This may be a problem but we think that the age rage of 15+ have a very strong attraction to the film because it is situations that people of that age can relate to. It is a nice middle ground for age range, between 15 and 18, it gives the sense of becoming and adult, from only being able to see a 12A.
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