Wednesday 4 March 2009

What we changed

For a final piece we decided that we wanted to make some changes after the feed back we got.
We decided that we wanted to keep an element of silence when the girl wakes up, but after this we decided to add diagetic sound as well as traffic to make it more interesting and create more of a realistic atmosphere. The diagetic sounds that we added to the footage were, traffic, toaster, kettle and an alarm.
We decided to edit out the footage where the girl is speaking to the camera, we did this because we wanted to get rid of the commercial element about our footage.
We changed our titles after the feedback we got and made them a darker colour, a bigger font and made more of them to make it look like a film opening. The titles we added were; costume design, screen play, produced by and four more cast names.
We did some minor touch ups to our piece, these included adding fades and making the transitions smoother, whilst also fitting the sounds to the footage more acurately.

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